We know you would love to but you can’t always take your pet with you wherever you go, Whether you’re leaving your animal behind for a quick shopping trip, for a day long excursion, or for a few nights, here are some tips to help make the separation as easy as possible on you and your pet friend.

Your pets are like people they need a sense of security and in order for a sense of security they need routine and a place they know and are used to.

  • Give your pet a chewy bone or favorite toy. If your pet gets nervous about being left alone he’ll most likely chew something. Chewing on a bone or a toy is better than chewing on one of your favorite shoes or a piece of furniture.
  • Get used to saying bye, say a familiar phrase every time you leave the house like "see you later" or "bye bye" or "guard the house" in a happy, cheerful voice, giving your animal a pat and leave happy as to make it less of a big deal leaving the house and when you return say something again like "did you guard the house" you must make it fun and cheerful.
  • Make sure your animals food and water is replenished and accessible as to show you are not neglecting your pet
  • Make sure pets "toilet needs" are taken care of, if a dog is left in the house make sure that he has been let out before you close the doors, he and you will not be impressed when you return.
  • Finally, be confident and positive. Don’t show anxiety by telling your pet you are sorry, you hate to leave her alone, you wish she could come along. That will make you both feel anxious. The mood those words convey isn’t good for anyone, animal or human. Convey this message instead: “I’m going out and you get the whole house to yourself; you lucky "
When you have a routine for leaving, your pets will feel secure. They’ll have an assurance that you leave and then you return. This will be especially helpful when you have to leave your pet behind for an extended period of time. Again, your attitude sets the mood. Don’t apologize to the pet; tell him how lucky he is!

An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.  ~Martin Buber

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