Pets have no concept of money, why should we so that's why we offer only the lowest rates!

Our rates are as follows:

  • One day call out per day                                        R90.00
  • Two call out's per day                                           R140.00 (R70.00 per call out)
  • Buying of extra pet food or accessories                    (cost of the item + R30.00 extra fee)
  • Extra activities                                                  
               i.e. Watering plants, giving homes a "live in" look      R30.00

  • Pooper scooper (once every 2 days)                        R25.00 (for 2 days)

One call out includes; Feeding and replenishing water, Preparing special meals, diets,medicine etc, Playing ball or with toys, and special attention/requests and also giving your animal our best love and attention!

R10 extra fee is charged if walking is required.

All our visits with your pets includes our full attention, love and communication aswell as making them as comfortable as possible with alot of extra playful attention!

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