We offer many different services to suite your individual pet's needs!

So whether it's play,sleep, walk, bath or eating time... we tend to it! 



  1. Replenishing of food and water
  2. Preparing specific meals
  3. Taking care of special diets etc

  1. Specific walking routes, times of the day
  2. Jogging,walking,running(for the more energetic animal) or just a slow walk (for not so active and scenic lovers)
 Playing / Activity (This is of no charge, it is given on every visit)
  1. Some extra attention for the attention seekers
  2. Playing with special toys, balls, etc

Love (also no charge and given on every visit)

  1. Attending to a unreachable scratch
  2. Giving a cuddle or just a tickle
  3. Brushing
  4. Talking
 Special requirements(any extra things you would like us to know about the animal and do for them)

  1. Special diets
  2. Specific sleeping arrangements
  3. Preferred toys they like to play with
  4. Things they like to do 
  5. Medicine needed etc

Pooper scooper services (explains itself)

  1. Cleaning up after your animal
  2. Cleaning of cages etc

  1. Tending to plants
  2. Giving homes the "live in" look to deter crime
  3. Bathing pet's
  4. Buying any extra food, accessories etc
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